Day at the Zoo

Friday, June 22, 2018

Fridays are always family days for us. We had been planning a trip to the Houston Zoo for some time and were sure the girls would love it. This past week, Charlotte had been under the weather so my mother in law (she's so wonderful, I thank God for that woman) said she would keep her while we took Peyton. I didn't realize it at the time, but it was great getting to focus on just Peyton for a little while.

Before having Charlotte, I wondered how Peyton's and my relationship might be affected. For the past 3 years, it had just been the 3 of us. How would the dynamic change? In the beginning it was a little rough. Balancing nighttime routines was probably the hardest. Charlotte demanded a lot of attention as a newborn. Peyton didn't understand it right away. There were nights where she would cry for me to read her a book and spend time with her before bed. But Charlotte needed to be fed and rocked to sleep. Let me tell you, as a mom, guilt will try to creep in and make you feel like you're failing your child.

Fast forward to Charlotte being almost 5 months old and we have gotten the hang of things. Peyton has grown so much and her perspective on things have changed. All this time she has been watching me be 'mama' to Charlotte and that has made her more aware of others around her. Today, she asked me if I was drinking enough water and had genuine concern that we all hadn't "had lunch yet" when she saw others eating. It's as if a miniature adult had popped up right before my eyes.

 Watching her excitement enjoying the splash pad reminded me that she is just a 3 year old who needs to know she is still loved and cherished. Don't we all need that from time to time?

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