Becoming mom, again.

Thursday, May 31, 2018
With my first daughter Peyton, I freaked out about everything from daycare to sleep. The truth is that with your first child you just don’t know know what to's a brand new experience. With Charlotte, things are a little more smoother.

I lost sleep every night waiting for her grunts to turn into cries.
With my second, I allowed things to just be. When Charlotte makes noise, I knew from experience with Peyton that eventually she’ll just go back to sleep. Sometimes babies just make noises, with my girls, it’s usually just them trying to pass gas or rustling in their swaddle. That still doesn't stop me from checking her baby monitor though, I just don't run to the crib and scoop her up like I did before.

I didn’t send her to daycare until she was 1.
We hired a caregiver to watch Peyton at home. With Charlotte, she was in daycare at 3 months. 
Day-cares are also not quiet facilities, which means Charlotte has to nap despite noise.When we are home,  Peyton can understand quiet for about 5 mins then it’s back to singing loudly and rummaging through her toy box. Charlotte has to adapt to noise and that's a very good thing!

Fevers were super scary
With Peyton, any little fever she spiked I would be at the pediatrician's office. Sometimes that meant sitting with super sick children with green boogers and snot hanging down their face. Meanwhile Peyton was calm, eating and drinking okay and certainly not in any distress. But she had a fever and I was so worried! 

And don’t get me wrong, fevers are still concerning, but they aren’t bad! When Charlotte’s temperature registered at 100.3 at 11 weeks I called her pedi right away. They had me monitor her at home to see if it rose. She had no symptoms at all. No cough, she was drinking every oz in her bottle and even sleeping well. After a few hours, the temperature started falling and I felt very relieved. Her body was simply fighting off something (I’ll never know what is was).

By the second or even third child, you won’t sweat the small things... you’ll be happy just to see everyone alive and well. At the end of the day, that’s all that matters. 

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